Sunday, January 24, 2010

Of Letters and Numbers

"Hey mom, is A a odd letter or even?", Aditya asked me one day at lunch. I was stunned. "Well .. I am not sure. You could say it is even."
"Are boys even and girls odd?" I was too dumbfounded to answer this one! He just shook his head and walked away, like he was pitying me. I couldn't really figure out what was going on in his head.

A couple of days later, at dinnertime, he asked,"Hey, are vowels odd numbered letters?" It set the whole family counting letters on their fingertips:) And the verdict: Yes, indeed! All vowels are odd numbered. He, obviously, knew that "U" is the 21st letter of the alphabet!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Throwing "smartly"

We had a Son Rise moment this week when our interactions led me to invite Aditya to play the "tear gas"/ "laughing gas" game with me in the playroom. (Before you read on, Aditya has shown limited interest in any interactive "ball" games until now. Secondly he has had some challenges in throwing the ball. )

In this game, he would throw a baseball at me. The ball is supposed to contain either laughing gas or tear gas- he gets to decide which gas.

Every time it hit me, I would start laughing hysterically and say whatever I was saying in the same hysterical tone. Next time it hit me I would start crying and say whatever I was saying as if I was inconsolably sad. Of course, Aditya could change that sequence and throw the same type of gas on me any number of times in a row.

Not only did he thoroughly enjoy the game... he also ended up, for the first time, throwing the ball straight into my hands after throwing it at or close to me a number of times. I celebrated that whole heartedly and called him a smart boy.

He followed by throwing the ball more, every time causing my state to change from laughing to crying and vice-versa. Then he said "I want to throw the ball smartly" and asked me to make my hands into a cup in anticipation of the ball that he would throw in my hands!

Thank you Aditya! I am growing more and more certain that one day the two of us will play baseball (or cricket:-) like any Dad and Son, and that you will beat me at it!