Thursday, November 20, 2014

Another dream just came true!

This is Baba... Aditya's dad.  I volunteer in his class on Friday afternoons.
Two Fridays ago (when I first wrote this draft it was "last Friday")...

As usual I parked the car outside the school and began walking towards his class.  It was a few minutes before the end of the lunch recess.

Suddenly, I saw something.  Right before my eyes, another dear dream of mine was coming true.

I had dreamed about this for years, but had almost forgotten it.

Yes, yes, he has fulfilled not one, not two, but several of my "Daddy" dreams.  Be it playing cricket together,  joining each other in twisting tunes (i.e. singing one song on the tune of another),  playing the guitars together, and so on.

Yet, this one dream had seemed so distant it almost felt impossible until only a few weeks ago.

What did I see?

He was playing basketball with three other boys!  On his own!  Without any coaxing or coaching.  Or shall we say... because there was no coaxing and coaching?

Is that why you were not doing it, Aditya?  That you felt as if we were trying to push you to do it?

One day,  he will read this blog post.  I will wait until that day to know the answer.  I don't want to coax him for an answer right now:)

In the meantime, Aditya is dribbling the ball.  He goes closer to the hoop.  No one stops him.  This is not a game.  Then, he takes a shot at the hoop.  The ball makes it into the hoop!

When movies are being edited,  I hear it takes them several tries to get everything just right.

But... dreams are not movies.  How did Aditya shoot the hoop right when I was seeing it?

Thank you, my friend!  You continue to give me amazing beautiful experiences that cannot be explained,  that need not be explained!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

News since beginning Third Grade!

Aditya entered Third grade in August 2014. This is his fourth year in the same school,  third year going full time! (For the record, he has never had an IEP / 504 plan or any support, other than the reduced day schedule in Kindergarten)

In the 2.5 months so far,  he has
1. gone on an overnight camping beach trip (3 days and 2 nights) with kids in his class (plus a few parent chaperons, including his own mom)
2. continued to maintain a reputation for being a great kid from the class parents (it is a parent participation school) as well as his new teacher Chris
3. loosened up remarkably compared to the last two years at the same school
4. made friends with a like minded (nice, gentle, appropriate)  boy 
5. liked by several kids, especially girls who like to be around this gentle young man than some of the more rambunctious ones.
6. made his own Halloween costume (Samsung Galaxy 4)
7. collected 57 pieces of candy on Halloween going out with sister and Baba
8. tapped on a 20 some year old girl's shoulders at Whole Foods to ask if she is in line for the Burrito Bowl,  and when the girl asked, "yeah and how was your Halloween? Did you eat all your candy?" simply said, "No I don't eat any" without going into why
9. started learning the guitar, and is currently amazing his teacher by playing things he has learned on his own

But here is the most amazing feat so far.
Yesterday he said, "My teacher really likes me."
Aai asked, "how do you know?"
"From her body language", he replied :)