Yes, he chose to be "anonymous". This is a big deal (and a sign of changing times:) as no one else in his class made that choice. Everyone published their narrartives on the same day as part of a "Publishing Party".
Saturday, December 10, 2016
The leak!
As part of his fifth grade work, he wrote this narrative about an event from his life:) Enjoy!
Yes, he chose to be "anonymous". This is a big deal (and a sign of changing times:) as no one else in his class made that choice. Everyone published their narrartives on the same day as part of a "Publishing Party".
Yes, he chose to be "anonymous". This is a big deal (and a sign of changing times:) as no one else in his class made that choice. Everyone published their narrartives on the same day as part of a "Publishing Party".
Friday, December 9, 2016
Growing up
I have been feeling strongly about writing a blog post since last week. But as I sit here, I am stumped. There is just too much going on. Where do I start? Let's see... We last updated the blog in summer. That leaves a lot to catch up with. Procrastination kills, so here I go...
The school year started in August, with the two kids at different schools. Aditya is now a 5th grader - his second year in his multi-age classroom, with the same teacher. As school tradition has it, he went on a 3 day overnight camping trip to the beach with his class in September. He thoroughly enjoyed boogie boarding and started creating some new bonds, making some new friendships. As he grows, he is more aware and wants to be friends with boys, not girls ;)
He decided to play flag football and is on the school team. That meant weekly practices and Friday games. We have been carpooling with another family whose children attend the same two schools as our kids. I drive the boys home after their practice. Both boys continuously chatter on their way home. Topics range from who did well (and not so well) on the field that day, how their dream team looks like, making fun of and mimicking their district music teacher, the district PE teacher, comparing the old teacher with the new, joking about things at school.... all things typical boys this age do. There are also a couple back row secrets that I am no longer privy to! Oh, and the sounds coming from the backseat.. beatboxing, burping contests ... How I wish I could wear earphones while driving :(
As the season comes to an end, the coaches asked players to make up their their own plays and bring them to practice this week. Aditya made up 5 plays and guess what, they picked one of HIS PLAYS! Not just that, their team also did its best on that play! Learning new games, getting the rules and making up plays based on those rules is something he does effortlessly. This is the boy that we once had to teach games using his motivations (like tic-tac-toe using tapes and CDs).
Aditya has been known to be a very sincere student, one who goes above and beyond his teachers' expectations. As I volunteered in class the last couple weeks, I have been noticing changes in his behavior. This week, after the hands on activity, kids were handed out Math worksheets. Even as the other students were getting settled, Aditya finished working on his. Then he proceeded to chat with others at his table. As another boy finished his sheet, they started telling a girl at the table to speed up. Having been really good friends for a few years now, she just smiled and asked them how they were so fast. Aditya said to her, "How about you practice at home, you will also be as fast as us." By then, everyone at the table became really interested in talking about holiday gifts, movies and how they plan to spend the holidays. The parent in charge of this group was stunned. What could have happened to his group of well behaved advanced Math learners? He asked Aditya (who started it all) if he had any unfinished work. No! Any challenge given by his teacher? No! Anything else he fancied working on? Not today! Dazed, he went to the teacher and asked her what Aditya was supposed to be doing. "Sweetie, How about some challenge work? If you are bored with the Olympiads, try your hand at CML or Logic Puzzles, maybe?" BIG eyeroll from Aditya. "Huh! ok! Thanks, but I will stick to the Olympiads"
This has always been the case with him and Math. His teacher has a lot of different kinds of challenge work at the back of the classroom for kids who need it. What was obviously different today was his attitude. When I mentioned the incident to him later that day, he said that it is strenuous to be "always perfect and appropriate". So he is now cutting himself a slack! Of late, I have seen him cut himself a lot of slack around the house too.
As put by one of the girls in his class (Shhh, don't tell him or ask me how I know) "Till last year, Aditya was the only sensible and well behaved boy. This year, the other boys have cast a bad influence on him, he is now like any other boy"
It is probably a sign of the times to come. And guess what, we are silently rejoicing :)
The school year started in August, with the two kids at different schools. Aditya is now a 5th grader - his second year in his multi-age classroom, with the same teacher. As school tradition has it, he went on a 3 day overnight camping trip to the beach with his class in September. He thoroughly enjoyed boogie boarding and started creating some new bonds, making some new friendships. As he grows, he is more aware and wants to be friends with boys, not girls ;)
He decided to play flag football and is on the school team. That meant weekly practices and Friday games. We have been carpooling with another family whose children attend the same two schools as our kids. I drive the boys home after their practice. Both boys continuously chatter on their way home. Topics range from who did well (and not so well) on the field that day, how their dream team looks like, making fun of and mimicking their district music teacher, the district PE teacher, comparing the old teacher with the new, joking about things at school.... all things typical boys this age do. There are also a couple back row secrets that I am no longer privy to! Oh, and the sounds coming from the backseat.. beatboxing, burping contests ... How I wish I could wear earphones while driving :(
As the season comes to an end, the coaches asked players to make up their their own plays and bring them to practice this week. Aditya made up 5 plays and guess what, they picked one of HIS PLAYS! Not just that, their team also did its best on that play! Learning new games, getting the rules and making up plays based on those rules is something he does effortlessly. This is the boy that we once had to teach games using his motivations (like tic-tac-toe using tapes and CDs).
Aditya has been known to be a very sincere student, one who goes above and beyond his teachers' expectations. As I volunteered in class the last couple weeks, I have been noticing changes in his behavior. This week, after the hands on activity, kids were handed out Math worksheets. Even as the other students were getting settled, Aditya finished working on his. Then he proceeded to chat with others at his table. As another boy finished his sheet, they started telling a girl at the table to speed up. Having been really good friends for a few years now, she just smiled and asked them how they were so fast. Aditya said to her, "How about you practice at home, you will also be as fast as us." By then, everyone at the table became really interested in talking about holiday gifts, movies and how they plan to spend the holidays. The parent in charge of this group was stunned. What could have happened to his group of well behaved advanced Math learners? He asked Aditya (who started it all) if he had any unfinished work. No! Any challenge given by his teacher? No! Anything else he fancied working on? Not today! Dazed, he went to the teacher and asked her what Aditya was supposed to be doing. "Sweetie, How about some challenge work? If you are bored with the Olympiads, try your hand at CML or Logic Puzzles, maybe?" BIG eyeroll from Aditya. "Huh! ok! Thanks, but I will stick to the Olympiads"
This has always been the case with him and Math. His teacher has a lot of different kinds of challenge work at the back of the classroom for kids who need it. What was obviously different today was his attitude. When I mentioned the incident to him later that day, he said that it is strenuous to be "always perfect and appropriate". So he is now cutting himself a slack! Of late, I have seen him cut himself a lot of slack around the house too.
As put by one of the girls in his class (Shhh, don't tell him or ask me how I know) "Till last year, Aditya was the only sensible and well behaved boy. This year, the other boys have cast a bad influence on him, he is now like any other boy"
It is probably a sign of the times to come. And guess what, we are silently rejoicing :)
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