But there is something special about both weekends, and we really want to take time today to celebrate that!
Last week, Aditya ASKED TO GO to a local book store where renowned author Rosemary Wells was to come and tell stories of "Max and Ruby". We went there on time and Aditya sat through the story telling session, two feet away from his sister (and another child between them). He once looked back at us, as if wanting to know something, but other than that moment he looked at the author of his favorite stories and... listened to the story! We celebrated this by offering to buy a book of his choice. "This book" pat came the reply... pointing to the same book that was just read to the children.

Here is a picture of Aditya (at the center) listening to Rosemary Wells. By the way, if you have not already guessed, this was a FIRST for our family... to be going to a book store with both our children and with both children enjoying the place for the same reason!
Then there was this weekend... when we had a full 35 minutes of family game time.... playing Monopoly. We actually began with Aditya bringing to us another game (Funglish) that we had got from the store, and asking that we play that game! We began enthusiastically... but.... there was a problem: the box had some missing cards and some cards in duplicate. When Mom explained this, Aditya seemed disturbed for a few seconds, but when we offered to play another new game.... Monopoly... he quickly and enthusiastically moved on.
And before we knew... we were telling both our children the rules of Monopoly... at the same time and without making too many adjustments for our special son. We then played the game for about 35 minutes, when Aditya, who was clearly getting fidgety, asked how long we would play, so he could go set the kitchen timer. We were planning to wrap up anyways, which we did rightaway, while celebrating how much we had loved this precious half hour with both of them, and specially how much we appreciated his understanding the rules, waiting for his turns, playing by the rules (including paying rent to his sister and accepting his dad and sister go to jail), and most of all.... asking for permission before quitting.
Wow... we already feel like a "normal" family... hurray. Thank you both our children, and thank you SON RISE!!!