Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tears... then and now!

I have a coupon for printing photos, which will be expiring soon. I was going through tons of photos I have online, chuckling, smiling and giggling to myself. Aditya came to see what I was up to and got interested in the pictures I was viewing - those of our trip to India more than 3 years ago.

Interestingly, when I had first downloaded these same pictures immediately after we got back from our vacation, he was unable to recognize my mom or brother, with whom we had spent almost 2 months! I remember being terrified and almost in tears.

Fast forward to this afternoon ... he blushed when he saw a picture of himself enjoying a mango. He actually took over the computer from me and quickly browsed through quite a few pictures of us attending a wedding, going to a couple busy places, the park, etc. Then he came to a section where there were pictures of us at my parents' farm. He took his time to study them. He remembered the name of the person who roasted cashews for him and his sister and said, "I was patient and waited for him to roast and then shell them. Look how he is using a hammer to crack them!" Then came a picture of the siblings with the dog on the farm. He instantaneously yelled out,"Shreya! Shreya, come see a doggie!" (She is currently fascinated by dogs and begging us to get one.) "Shreya, look .. a picture of you,  me and a doggie!" This was priceless! He called on her when he saw something that would interest her! So much for the theory of mind!

Then he came to a picture I would describe as follows: Aditya and his sister each sitting on the lap of a woman in her fifties... a very simple person with a huge friendly smile on her face. That day was the only time Aditya had seen her ever. Today, he asked me who this person was.  She is a close family friend and I was trying to figure out how to explain it to him and said,"Well .. she is .." when he pitched in .. "kaku?!" which means "aunty". I was stunned! I indeed call her "Kaku" but I find it impossible to believe that he remembers it. Well, if he recognized her face and remembered her, AWESOME! if not, he generalized, looking at the age and dressing style, that it looked like someone I would call kaku! SUPER AWESOME! As the cursor hovered close to her face, he asked to type in her name and tag her! How sweet!

He went through the pictures pointing to my mom and in-laws. He also recognized my mom's brother and his wife (they were here a couple years ago.)
After going through all pictures a couple times, he looked me in the eye and asked,"And why isn't your dad in any pictures?" I then showed him a few pictures with grandpa and myself wondered why I did not have as many pictures of him!

As I shut down the computer, I was in tears once again....

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