Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Aditya and Shreya now have a plan for their mornings!

When Aai flew away for her week long training program,  Aditya, Shreya, and Baba had a discussion about how to have the best, easiest, most fun-filled week... to the best of our ability.

We agreed that we all get unhappy in the mornings when we do "last minute scrambling" before leaving for school... i.e. "I really need to leave now but I cannot remember where I left my jacket yesterday".   In other words, we believed we could have an EASY time getting ready in the morning if we planned what we were going to do in the morning.

The twins decided to take action!  They made a To-Do list for the mornings.  The list had:
1. Refill water bottle
2. Pack a snack (usually a fruit like an apple)
3. Eat his Pro-biotic and his Triphala (for Aditya)
4. Comb hair (Shreya)
5. Get Baba to apply coconut oil or "the balm" on his skin (Aditya)
6. Get Baba to pack lunch
7. (Find and wear your) Socks and shoes
8. (Find and wear your) Winter jacket

The twins loved making the list, and then had FUN checking off things to do from the list every morning of that week.  They liked it so much,  they are still doing it every morning (even as Aai... and hence sanity.. has returned)!

Some other amazing things they did:
1. prepare and pack their own rice cracker sandwiches for the thanksgiving feast held in school
2. play with each other when Baba was cooking or cleaning... without ever getting into a fight 
3. show extreme flexibility and patience with baba's cooking skills:-)

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