He now has a best friend in his class. The two boys look out for each other and stick together through lunch and recess. This friendship has blossomed since the beginning of the school year and other kids now know not to mess around either with A or his friend N. But unlike past years, Aditya being friends with N does not mean that they play exclusively with each other. In fact, they both play basketball, wall ball and other playground games with boys from their class and his previous years' classes. They also are part of... shhhh .. a girls monkey-bars club :)
Of late, Aditya has started paying particular attention to his looks. He spends quite a bit of time combing his hair each morning. It is so CUTE :) He also tries hard to spike his hair into a mohawk :) One day he tried hard to oil his hair and make a mohawk like his friend N. He was brimming after school, that N actually thought his mohawk looked cool :)
I am also noticing extra sweet behavior, more willingness and proactive help around the house. Last week, I had to leave in the middle of unloading the dishwasher. When I returned 5 minutes later, it was taken care of. Aditya just noticed how busy I was and took care of the dishwasher. Simple things like this bring tears of joy .. Ah, the pleasures of mothering this boy ...
Last week, the kids had a Choir and Band performance. Shreya was in the choir and Aditya played the flute in the Band. He confessed today that initially he practiced the flute because he had to and couldn't do it very well. But now he is really enjoying it. And now that he is enjoying it, he is actually doing a lot better in producing notes.
Another huge update is about a girl C in his class that he does not really get along well with. There have been incidents between C and him over the last 2-3 years where C apparently does not talk to him nicely. After talking it out to us over the last few weeks, he finally talked about this to his teacher (in the presence of Baba). The teacher did some reflective listening, and encouraged him to talk to C in the teacher's presence. She told Aditya to specifically request C what action he wanted her to take e.g. be respectful of him when they worked together. Baba then left the scene. C was called to talk to Aditya and the teacher. Later we learned from the teacher that Aditya spoke directly to C and did the needful. What a great skill this is for any one, why just a kid!
We also learned later that C had had the same issue with another child, but that other child had chosen not to talk to C about it.
After this meeting Aditya has been reporting a generally better time dealing with C.
Aditya takes efforts to improve relations. Great forward step.