Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Humor!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! 

Read all about it here:

This morning, Aditya had a different idea about using the word Grinch.  He said, "I am coming up with a joke.  I saw a Grinch in my dream. He was eating a French Fry.  I am going to call it the Grench Fry."

Aditya's sense of humor has always been great, but now he has started saying funny things to make conversations interesting.  


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

He "looks while talking" when motivated!

In our group meeting, the team agreed that Aditya's eye contact has dropped.  It is normal when he is listening to us.  However, he does not consistently look at us when he is talking to us.  It feels like he is talking "at" us.

We discussed a number of techniques to help inspire Aditya to look at us more while talking:
1. Joining
2. Celebrations
3. 3E's
4. Playing silly games where we sometimes run out of energy and then need to re-charge with "eye power"!

Aai and Baba also decided to take some games inside to inspire Aditya to "look while talking"

Yesterday, Baba went in with one such game, and Aditya welcomed it with lots of energy, excitement, and enthusiasm!  (He has been vocal about wanting the team to bring in some "eye power" games... so that he can master this goal:-)

In this game, Aditya and Baba sat on two sides of the room.

On one side was the easel with a marker pen.

Baba explained the game, and then Aditya got some "eye power" from Baba to kick start the game.  Right as he got charged with the eye power, he sprinted to the board and wrote down the first line of a story that we had not even begun making: "The rabbits lined up for school."  HE THEN LOOKED at Baba as he said the line back to him.

He darted back, and gave some eye power to Baba so he could take off and go to the board to add his line: "But  the doors were closed!"  Baba looked at Aditya with his eyes as he said both lines back to him, i.e. "The rabbits lined up for school. But  the doors were closed!"

Baba rushed back to his base, and gave some more eye power to Aditya, who went and expanded the story further, and said everything back to Baba while looking at him: "The rabbits lined up for school. But  the doors were closed! Why is it closed, the rabbits asked."

The rest of our story is captured and uploaded here for your pleasure:-) 

As the story began to grow in size,  he started finding it challenging to recall all those lines.  So we introduced the neurotypical trick of looking some at the board, then looking at the listener, then looking back at the board to read the next line, and so on!

As we often find out in the playroom.... it is a question of motivation.  When he is at the top of his motivation, he will gladly look at other human beings while talking to them. 

So the real question is.... are we loving, accepting, listening to, and looking at our super-hero when he talks about his fascinations like the super-cool imaginary ADAX car company and its products?

Aditya and Shreya now have a plan for their mornings!

When Aai flew away for her week long training program,  Aditya, Shreya, and Baba had a discussion about how to have the best, easiest, most fun-filled week... to the best of our ability.

We agreed that we all get unhappy in the mornings when we do "last minute scrambling" before leaving for school... i.e. "I really need to leave now but I cannot remember where I left my jacket yesterday".   In other words, we believed we could have an EASY time getting ready in the morning if we planned what we were going to do in the morning.

The twins decided to take action!  They made a To-Do list for the mornings.  The list had:
1. Refill water bottle
2. Pack a snack (usually a fruit like an apple)
3. Eat his Pro-biotic and his Triphala (for Aditya)
4. Comb hair (Shreya)
5. Get Baba to apply coconut oil or "the balm" on his skin (Aditya)
6. Get Baba to pack lunch
7. (Find and wear your) Socks and shoes
8. (Find and wear your) Winter jacket

The twins loved making the list, and then had FUN checking off things to do from the list every morning of that week.  They liked it so much,  they are still doing it every morning (even as Aai... and hence sanity.. has returned)!

Some other amazing things they did:
1. prepare and pack their own rice cracker sandwiches for the thanksgiving feast held in school
2. play with each other when Baba was cooking or cleaning... without ever getting into a fight 
3. show extreme flexibility and patience with baba's cooking skills:-)

Aditya's letter to SON RISE!

First in this series.... the letter that Aditya wrote to his Son Rise program facilitator friends at Option Instittute, Sheffield, MA.  Aai was at Option Institute for her New Frontiers training program, which is when she hand-delivered this beautiful letter!
Last year in November, these same amazing people gave their heart and soul as they worked on inspiring Aditya to play
1. 6 and 7 year old games like beyblades
2. 6 and 7 year old kids at his school!

The letter says:

Dear Son Rise friends!!! Thanx For The 2 Intensive & 1 Outreach. How are you Doing? I Am Doing Good. I play beyblade's now! I go to 1st grade! I Have 2 friend's At School!!! There Names Are... Kelly & Alisa. They Are 2 girls in my Class In 1st Grade Like me. Why I Told you This Is Cause my class Has 1st & 2nd grade. It's A 1/2 class. bye, Aditya"