Saturday, July 17, 2010

Our very own Raffi!

A couple of months ago, I picked up a few audio CDs from the local library. Luckily, one of them was the "Banana Phone" CD by Raffi, the renowned singer (about whom I was unaware). Aditya got so hooked on to his songs that .....


  1. This is simply FABULOUS!!! i think he has a very special talent...he has imitated the whole song with the music pieces & he is using different sounds for each instrument which exactly sounds like those specific instruments!!! and he has also memorized the words perfectly!!! i'm really amazed to see a kid's attention to soooo much detail!! way to go aditya...a "star" in the making :)

  2. and he sounds sooooooo sweeeeeeet & adorable!!! :)

  3. I love it!! hope you are doing well. I miss him.
