Thursday, November 11, 2010

A moment to be treasured

This happened when Aditya and his sister were having their evening snack today:

Sister: I wish I could have one of those Gluten Free goodies mom made for you.

Aditya: There are only last two left.

Sister: Maybe next time when mommy makes them, you can share one with me.

Aditya: You can have one now and I'll have one tomorrow.

Sister: Thank you! (She chomped on one before he could change his mind)

Aditya: I shared because I wanted to.

Sister and Mom: That is awesome, Aditya! You are such a nice and caring brother! Three cheers for you! Hip Hip Hurray! (And tons of celebrations)

Aditya: I wanted to really really share with you.

Sister: What can I do for you, Aditya? Tell me something you like, so I can do it for you.

Aditya: How about you give me a hug? I like that!

This interaction really made my day!

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