Tuesday, September 17, 2013

One day... he will go to "basketball classes"!

It’s Tuesday.  I pick up my daughter from school at 2pm.  I bring her home.  She grabs a banana for a snack.  She asks me, “What else can I eat?” I give her two blocks of cheese and some chiwda.  She finishes it while I finish my perfectly hot cup of tea. She prepares her water bottle while I use the restroom.  Together, we leave for basketball class.

She is one of the first few kids to get there.  She starts practicing the hoops.  She proudly tells the coach she got 6 hoops.  The coach celebrates her and asks her to keep going. 

Slowly the other kids start coming in.  Realizing that they are shooting the same hoop, she starts taking turns with them.  When it’s too crowded she runs to the other side of the court and shoots the hoop at that end.  After a while she goes and tells the coach she has done 17 hoops.  The coach celebrates her and asks her to keep going.

In a few minutes the class begins.  The coach gets this highly energetic group of 20 or so kids to do lots of different exercises!  She does most of her exercises correctly, some not. But she tries to do all.    She is an average runner.  You could say she is in the 40th percentile.

Soon, the group is divided into two teams.  A friendly contest is setup-- -something like a relay race.  Our group wins!  Our kid runs a little slower, but does not become a liability for the group.

The only problem… there is no wifi here.  So I cannot work while I am watching all this. 

Okay, I made that up.  I do not want to work while watching him… I mean… her… play!

Oops… I gave it away!  But if you stayed with me,  congratulations!

Now find and replace all of the occurrences of ”she” and “her” with “he” and “him”.

You got that right!

It is in fact Aditya who is attending the second session of his first ever basketball class!  No need to pinch me.  I am wide awake, and taking it in:)

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