Monday, October 25, 2010

Friends with the Shower

We almost forgot this one!

Until last year, Aditya would never agree to take a shower. Probably a sensory overload for him. We had to give him a bath using a bucket and a mug... like we used to do as kids in India. Just a couple of weeks ago, however, Aditya agreed to shower by himself, except for taking our help when using the Body Wash (he hates the soap so we use the Aveeno Body Wash for him).

Thus, for the last 2 weeks or so, he has been using the shower, and doing so mostly by himself. We are so happy for you Aditya! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. our son is just the other side, he loves shower and all the shower gel, only thing, he wouldn't come out of the shower.
