Thursday, October 21, 2010

So much more aware!

It has been really long since we were regular with the blog. With so much happening around us, we are too busy enjoying the changes!

Just an hour ago, as the first volunteer walked in, Aditya had been busy in the playroom with dad. So busy, that both forgot that it was time for him to change into street clothes. He had already changed his shirt when we walked in. Then he said, "Can I get into the closet for a minute?
"And close the door too?"
"Mom, can I have my underwear?", Aditya whispered.
"Sure!" I had forgotten that I was still holding on to it, while talking to the volunteer. He came out in a moment, put on his pants and said, "Let's play!"

This was a dream moment! He was aware of the presence of people around him and that he should be dressed when out in front of others. Until a few months ago, he would roam around forgetting to wear his pants after using the restroom, too excited to get back to the playroom.
Way to go, Aditya!