Saturday, October 1, 2011

He made A STORYBOOK, then read it to us!

Without further ado....

What you see below are pages from a story book Aditya made all by himself, then read to us, kind of like his class teacher.
(What was that again about autistic children not being able to read body language and facial expressions?)

Since he spells phonetically and writes in his own unique style that we understand but maybe you won't.... I am providing the "text" below each page of the book.
(The cover page:  THE TRAIN BOOK Illustrated by Aditya)
(On a bright sunny day, a train co-pilot was very hungry.  And a man was eating chocolate cake, and M&Ms and cotton candy and Honey smoothie ice-cream and Kit-Kat. And there was some music. And the co-pilot loves train ride.)
Baba's NOTE:   At the top he wrote something then scribbled all over it and believed that was the equivalent of erasing it.  Huge. Two years ago he would throw away a sheet of paper if he or someone else made even a slight mistake.
(Looks like this page has our family going somewhere on the train on that same bright sunny day!  The box on top of the girl  hanging off of a line is the automatic food delivery system on Aditya's imaginary train.  The food box travels in the air from the pilot to the passenger... like the Gondolas at Lake Tahoe!)

(On this page:
"Train rides are fun" says the co-pilot.
"Can you hear the music" said the co-pilot.
"Yes I do"
"Do you love it?"
"I do"
"I heard it when I was a kid" said the co-pilot

(This page has another picture of the train.  Hmm... perhaps it is the end of day?)

(Train rides are nice.
"Happy Birthday to the co-pilot. Here is your birthday card"
"Thank you" said the co-pilot.
The co-pilot was laughing.)
(And the train again... to end this cute little story of (what follows is Baba's interpretation....) a co-pilot who was hungry on his birthday, watching a guy eating everything sweet he could lay his hands on, while all the co-pilot wanted was for someone to come chat with him and say Happy Birthday to him!)

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