Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day#2: Aditya learned about the Option Process

Stimulus- Belief- Response!

Three words that summarize the Option Process. The principle of not judging us or others, but examine and try to uncover the beliefs that leads us from an event to the action that we take about it, or the feeling that we feel about it.  The foundation of the Son Rise program!

Today, Aditya, Camilla, and Kim had fun discussing and exploring this fun way of understanding why Aditya (or others in his life) feel or act in certain ways when some things happen.  And we are soooo glad to say.... Aditya seems to have totally got it!

He also had his first dual session today (i.e. he played with 2 facilitators at the same time) so that he could exercise and grow his skills of following the gaze, and allowing one person in the group to lead while others follow, etc.

Kim also introduced some rough and tumble play (pretending to be a 6 year old herself) so he feels comfortable and gets used with how other 6 year olds do play, say at his school. He also had fun with some hands on exercises saying NO to a boy who comes from the behind on the slide, and tries to push him!  Finally, there were friendly rough-and-tumble exchanges, toy car crashes,  and even games around super-heroes, action figures, and dinosaurs-- all very "6 year old" things!

At the same time, Aditya has been showing resistance to using the bathroom attached to his playroom.  All of the facilitators, and Aai-Baba too, are having fun showing him he actually has the best bathroom in the whole Son Rise house!

Earlier in the day,  Baba had a blast playing "There is a machine for that" (a game he came up with) which was a quiz game mixed with renowned cricketers bowling yorkers to each other.   Aai had her own game-  that of "rip tag" where they had lots of fun pretending that his friends had some kind of trouble (e.g. their lunch fell off on the ground) so that Aditya could then do something about it (such as comfort the friend).

1 comment:

  1. So great to read! I hope you guys are having a wonderful time.
